You can see a detail at JiniSoft Engine Specification .
Now many DotCOM is get lose. Because of cost per performance is so high, The DataBase and operating system have effect to a cost, you can see the price of performance in web site www.tpc.org This web site show a table compare price with system, DataBase and operating system. Natural is successful for developing the Cluster Object Orient Database ( Cluster OODB ) . The Cluster OODB is a high performance and speed that developed from Special DataBase of Telecommunication and Java language. The Java can run a plug and play of object and no need to re-compile again. The Special DataBase become to the General DataBase because this reason. The General DataBase implement DataBase, MediaBase, Knowledge, ProcessBase and still use the physical algorithm of Special DataBase that called JiniSoft Engine. For example AMAZON.COM has a price per performance 10 - 100 US$ per transaction per minute and not included the operating cost. JiniSoft Engine is developed from Special DataBase concept that support unlimit records, more than 10,000 transactions per second ( or 600,000 transactions per minute ) and estimated cost 120,000 baht. JiniSoft Engine have a cost about 0.2 baht per transaction per minute or 0.005 US$ per transaction per minute. If AMAZON.COM or DotCOM use JiniSoft Engine, the company can run faster 1,000 - 2,000 X ( one hundred percent ) and reduce 2,000 - 20,000 X ( one hundred percent ) of cost. The E-Commerce support a lot of transaction because that a Co-operating Distributed Commerce to Customer Relation Management. For example the DataBase of people in Thailand will have more than 60 million transactions. You can use a disk space 4 KB per one person or use a disk space 240 GB for all DataBase. You must use a lot of money for a capital. JiniSoft Engine have a property of inheritable and encapsulation structure of Object Orient, each inheritance data can separate to many machine. When you query a DataBase, you will query to Intelligent Management. The Intelligent Management is control the every machine to process the query and each machine is process own data by look up service. JiniSoft Engine is separate the data in each machine that manage more index in portion of data. For this method the DataBase is more efficiency, use least resource and support the large DataBase. For example the DataBase of people in the world you can use the server 1,000 to 10,000 machine for separate the data in each country because the most request will happen in each country. JiniSoft Engine is query a data by Object Orient SQL ( OO-SQL ) . OO-SQL is created by visual design that display a data to XHTML form. You can create a form by XHTML and refer a field in database by symbol. JiniSoft Engine Management for Client is transfer a data to JDO, JDBC and SQL directly and responds with a reference proxy for itself. The JiniSoft Engine Management for Client is built around one or more look up client. The look up client is connect to Intelligence Management and then connect to look up service/server. The look up service/server is separated data for each client. The look up service/server is separated data in each page by minimum and maximum of field in each primary key. Intelligent Management is interact with Java XML and Query Proxy. The storage management platform on JiniSoft Engine is a technology for manage the access a data from other platform by JDO, JDBC, share I/O (both share nothing and share I/O), distributed I/O and Jiro technology for access a data from other platform.
Java Hotspot Server is optimize transfer from byte code to machine code. ( The byte code in Java language is look like pcode in visual basic language ) Normally if you use C/C++ language you must compile application to 386 architecture machine because the application can run on 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium MMX, Pentium II, Pentium III. If you prepare for computer architecture and assembly when you are coding an application, your application will higher performance more than 5 - 10 X ( one hundred percent ) and also you think about physical algorithm application will high performance 10 - 100 X ( one hundred percent ) . All of these Java can control a performance and easy to design for complex physical algorithm. Last update : Monday, 12 November 2001 07:00 ( Thailand ) Apple, Mac, iMac, iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple, Inc. Jini, Java and all Java-based are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. 33/1478 Soi 52, Chockchai 4 Road, Ladprao, Bangkok 10230, Thailand TEL : +66 2931 5899 < 9:00-17:00, Monday - Friday > FAX : +66 2931 5548 ![]() |