Commerce to Business (C2B)

               C2B is a one type of a business on the Internet network and a private business. C2B is a connection inside organization and support the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System). C2B is starting from the organization get order  to production until delivery and automatic post the account to general system in every process.

               JiniC2B.Com is:

               1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

                    Enterprise Resource Planning prepares for the standard business as Fiancial Management System, Human Resource Management System, Manufacturing Management System, and Customer Relation Management.


               2. Virtual Office Park

                    JiniCommerce is a center of organization to do a business on Internet every time and ever place. JiniCommerce prepares the office, secretary and accountant for your business. JiniCommerce prepare the disk space for keep the business transaction at JiniCommerce Server. The business owner can show your product on the public commerce and visitor can go to see and order via Internet, JiniCommerce is keeping the transaction and automatic transfer to the accounting system.

               JiniCommerce C2B prepare:

               1. Accounting

                    JiniCommerce is keep every a transaction and automatic post a transaction to the accounting system. You can use the standard financial report or generate your financial report.

               2. Secretary

                    JiniCommerce prepares the secretary to follow up a business in organization and send information about the process and changing to a relation person and customer. For Example customer can find a product and order from many supplier, JiniCommerce is automatic check stock and respond to customer immediately such as credit control, delivery date etc. Also when your business cannot deliver a product, JiniCommerce is automatic send an information to customer.

               3. Logistic

                    JiniCommerce is a centralized a documentation and coordinate in organization and also support the standard ISO9000 and ISO2000. JiniCommerce is start for coordinate when you get a purchase order until delivery product to customer. JiniCommerce is automatic send a data to next terminal when you finish in each process. For example when production is finish, JiniCommerce is automatic send information to distributor for prepare a delivery process,  send the confirmation delivery to customer and send to customer. For the management of all coordination in organization is called JiniCommerce Core .